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China to expand visa-free transit policy to more countries, add inbound flights
  ·  2024-06-25  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China will expand its visa-free transit policy to include more countries and increase inbound flights from major passenger source countries to optimize its entry and exit measures, according to a circular unveiled on June 24 by China's top economic planner.

To further facilitate the travel experience for overseas tourists, China will launch additional high-quality inbound travel products and services, stated the circular jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and four other government bodies.

Efforts should be made to improve street signs in foreign languages in public places such as popular tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and airports, the circular noted.

It suggested incorporating multilingual services into map and navigation applications and enhancing ride-hailing services.

In terms of payment services, China will promote acceptance of overseas bank cards in various venues and stores, enabling easier access to dining, accommodation, transportation, ticket purchases, and reservations for international visitor in the country, according to the circular.


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