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Chinese vice president addresses World Peace Forum
  ·  2023-07-03  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng addressed the opening ceremony of the 11th World Peace Forum at Tsinghua University in Beijing on July 2, calling on all sides to safeguard world peace and security.

Han said that in the face of profound changes in the international situation, China has put forward a series of major initiatives, such as the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, constantly enriching the connotation and practical path of the concept of building a community with a shared future for humanity, and injecting strong positive energy into world peace and development.

China is ready to work with other countries to safeguard world peace and security, seek global development and prosperity, advocate exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and share the fruits of human development, security, and civilization, Han said. He put forward four suggestions.

Firstly, he called for upholding independence and mutual respect, supporting all efforts to independently explore the path of democratic development, and respecting the exploration of the path of value realization by people in different countries.

Secondly, he stressed resolving conflicts through dialogue and consultation. The international community, especially influential major countries, should take a clear stand to promote peace talks and mediation in light of the needs and aspirations of the countries concerned so as to build mutual trust, resolve disputes and promote security through dialogue, Han said.

Thirdly, he urged firmly upholding and practicing multilateralism to make global governance more just and equitable.

Fourthly, Han called on all sides to promote inclusiveness, mutual benefit, and win-win results. "We should work together to usher in a new stage of balanced, coordinated, and inclusive global development, promote international development cooperation, improve the well-being of the people of participating countries, and consolidate the social foundation for world peace," he said.

Han stressed that Chinese modernization follows the path of peaceful development, and China will unswervingly advocate, build and uphold world peace.

More than 400 people, including former foreign political dignitaries, diplomatic envoys from various countries in China, experts, and scholars, attended the event.

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