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Xi's Focus Governance
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· 2021-16 Full Text: Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and Contribution II
· Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience And Contribution (I)
· 2021-14Full Text: The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2020 (I)
· Full Text of Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and Contribution
· 2021-13Full Text:State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press (II)
· Full Text of The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2020
· 2021-12Full Text: Premier Li Keqiang Meets the Press
· Full Text of Joint China-WHO press conference of WHO-convened Global Study of Origins of SARS-Cov-2
· 2021-11Full Text: Explanations on the Draft Decision of the National People’s Congress on Improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
· 2021-10Full Text: Righting the Wrongs and Committing to Mutual Respect and Win-Win Cooperation
· 2021-09 Full Text: Keeping Up the Momentum and Working Together for a New Chapter in China-CEEC Cooperation
· 2021-07Full Text: Rise to the Challenges, Serve the Nation and Embark on a New Journey for Major-Country Diplomacy With Chinese Characteristics
· 2021-06Full Text: Sustainable Development of Transport in China (II)
· 2021-05Full Text: Sustainable Development of Transport in China (I)
· Fact Check: Lies on Xinjiang-related Issues Versus the Truth
· 2021-04Full Text: China’s International Development Cooperation in the New Era (II)
· 2021-03Full Text: China's International Development Cooperation in the New Era (I)
· 2021-01Full Text: Energy in China's New Era (I)
· 2020-52Full Text: Speech at the 19th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of Member States of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
· 2020-51Full Text: Together, Let Us Fight COVID-19 and Create a Better Future
· 2020-50Full Text: Fighting COVID-19 in Solidarity and Advancing BRICS Cooperation Through Concerted Efforts
· 2020-49Full Text: Carrying Forward the Shanghai Spirit and Deepening Solidarity and Collaboration for a Stronger Community With a Shared Future
· 2020-48Full Text: Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Third China International Import Expo
· 2020-47Full Text: Report on US Damage to Global Environmental Governance
· 2020-46Full Text: The Only Viable Choice for the International Community: Strengthening Solidarity and Cooperation, Rejecting Confrontation and Division
· 2020-45Full Text: Remarks at the High-Level Meeting to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary Of the United Nations
· 2020-44Full Text: Position Paper of the People's Republic of China on the 75th Anniversary Of the United Nations
· 2020-43Full Text: Statement at the General Debate of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
· 2020-42Full Text: China’s Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations (II)
· 2020-40-41Full Text: China’s Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations (I)
· 2020-39Full Text: Pompeo’s Fact-Twisting China Speech Versus the Truth (III)
· 2020-38Full Text: Pompeo's Fact-Twisting China Speech Versus the Truth (II)
· 2020-37Full Text: Pompeo's Fact-Twisting China Speech Versus the Truth
· 2020-36Full Text: Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
· 2020-35Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2019 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2020 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (III)
· 2020-34Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2019 Plan For National Economic and Social Development And on the 2020 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (II)
· 2020-33Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2019 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2020 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (I)
· 2020-32Full Text: Fighting COVID-19 Through Solidarity and Cooperation Building a Global Community of Health for All
· Full Text: Fact Sheet on Environmental Damage by the U.S.
· Full Text: Report on U.S. Damage to Global Environmental Governance
· Full Text: China's Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations
· Full Text: Position Paper of the People's Republic of China On the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations
· Full Text: The Growing Division Between the Rich and the Poor Leading to Increasingly Severe Human Rights Issues in the United States
· Full Text: The COVID-19 Pandemic Magnifies the Crisis of “U.S.-Style Human Rights”
· Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on Building a Global Community of Health for All
· Full text: Speech by President Xi Jinping at opening of 73rd World Health Assembly
· Full Text: Keynote Speech by President Xi Jinping at Opening Ceremony of 2nd China International Import Expo
· The National Immigration Administration of the Ministry of Public Security Issues 12 Measures to Improve Entry and Exit Services
· Highlights of CGTN Anchor Liu Xin, Fox Host Trish Regan Discussion
· Full Text of Outcome List of 2nd BRF
· Full Text of Joint Communique of Leaders' Roundtable of 2nd BRF
· Full Text of Xi's Signed Article on Italian Newspaper
· Full Text of Xi's Remarks at Session I of G20 Summit in Buenos Aires
· Full Text of Xi's Signed Article on Spanish Newspaper
· Full Text of the White Paper on China and the World Trade Organization
· Full Text of Chinese President Xi Jinping's Speech at the 18th SCO Qingdao Summit
· Full Text of President Xi's Speech at Opening Ceremony of BRICS Business Forum
· Full text of Facts and China's Position Concerning Indian Border Troops' Crossing of China-India Boundary
· Full Text of President Xi Jinping's Signed Article on German Media
· Full Text of President Xi's Written Interview with Russian Media
· Full Text: Xi's Speech at Meeting Marking HK's 20th Return Anniversary, Inaugural Ceremony of 5th-Term HKSAR Government
· 2017 Annual Business Survey Report on Chinese Enterprises in the U.S.
· Research Report on China-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations
· Full text of President Xi's Speech at Opening of Belt and Road Forum
· Full text: Joint Communique of Leaders Roundtable of Belt and Road Forum
· The Chinese Government Agenda 2017
· SPEECH: Celebrating China-Africa Cultures
· China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press (A Bilingual Excerpt)
· The 2017 Government Work Report (A Bilingual Excerpt)
· Report on the Work of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee (A Bilingual Excerpt)
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Inventing the future
By Lan Xinzhen
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A trade war's hidden battles
By Liang Xiao
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