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Xi's Focus Governance
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· 2023-26 Full Text: Providing New Opportunities to the World Through Chinese Modernization
· Full text of Li Qiang's address at the opening plenary of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2023
· 2023-25 Full Text: Report on the Work of the Standing Committee Of the National People’s Congress (II)
· 2023-24 Full Text: Report on the Work of the Standing Committee Of the National People’s Congress (I)
· 2023-23 Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan For National Economic and Social Development And on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (IV)
· 2023-22 Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan For National Economic and Social Development And on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (III)
· 2023-21 Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan For National Economic and Social Development And on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (II)
· Full text of Xi Jinping's keynote speech at China-Central Asia Summit
· 2023-20 Full Text: Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development (I)
· 2023-19 Full Text: U.S. Human Rights Abuse Against Refugees and Immigrants: Truth and Facts
· 2023-18 Full Text: The Report on Human Rights Violations in The United States in 2022 (II)
· 2023-17 Full Text: The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022 (I)
· 2023-16 Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government (II)
· 2023-15 Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government (I)
· 2023-14 Full Text: China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era
· 2023-13 Full Text: Foreign Minister Qin Gang Meets the Press
· Full text: The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022
· 2023-12 Full Text: Premier Li Qiang Meets the Press: Full Transcript of Questions and Answers
· 2023-11 Full Text: US Hegemony and Its Perils
· Full text: China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era
· 2023-3 Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government
· 2023-10 Full Text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper
· 2023-9 Full Text: Jointly Building the International Organization For Mediation to Establish a New Platform for Peaceful Resolution of International Disputes
· 2023-8 Full Text: Chinese New Year Message to the Diplomatic Corps
· Full text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper
· 2023-7 Full Text: China's Green Development in the New Era (II)
· 2023-5 Full Text: China's Green Development in the New Era
· 2023-4 Full Text: For a Life of Contentment—The Rationale For China’s Human Rights Development
· Full text: China's Green Development in the New Era
· 2023-3 Full Text: Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of the Philippines
· 2023-2 Full Text: 2023 New Year Address by President Xi Jinping
· 2023-1 Full Text: Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together in Solidarity to Build an Asia-Pacific Community With a Shared Future
· 2022-52 Full Text: Staying Committed to and Jointly Promoting Development to Bring Asia-Pacific Cooperation to New Heights
· 2022-51 Full Text: Carrying Forward the Spirit of China-Arab Friendship and Jointly Building a China-Arab Community With a Shared Future in the New Era
· 2022-50 Full Text: Jointly Build a Community With a Shared Future in Cyberspace (II)
· 2022-49 Full Text: Jointly Build a Community With a Shared Future in Cyberspace
· 2022-48 Full Text: China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System in the New Era
· Full text of Xi Jinping's speech at memorial meeting for Comrade Jiang Zemin
· 2022-47 Full Text: Resolution of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Report of the 19th Central Committee
· 2022-46 Full Text: Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects (III)
· Xi's speech at 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting
· 2022-45 Full Text: Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects (II)
· 2022-44 Full Text: Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects (I)
· Full Text: Address by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Opening Ceremony of the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
· 2022-43 Full Text: Ride on the Trend of the Times and Enhance Solidarity and Cooperation to Embrace a Better Future
· Full text of Constitution of Communist Party of China
· Full text of the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
· 2022-42 Full Text: The Right Way for China and the United States To Get Along in the New Era
· Full text of resolution on 19th CPC Central Committee report
· Full text of resolution on work report of 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
· Full text of resolution on Party Constitution amendment
· 2022-40-41 Full Text: Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China for the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
· 2022-39 Full Text: Transcript of Ambassador Qin Gang's Interview With the U.S. Mainstream Media
· 2022-38 Full Text: Jointly Upholding True Multilateralism and Starting a New Journey of Maritime Governance
· 2022-37 Full Text: Upholding Peace, Development, Independence and Inclusiveness and Renewing the Firm Commitment to Open Regionalism
· 2022-36 Full Text: U.S. Commits Serious Crimes of Violating Human Rights in the Middle East and Beyond
· 2022-35 Full Text: China and Africa: Strengthening Friendship, Solidarity and Cooperation for a New Era of Common Development
· 2022-34 Full Text:The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era
· 2022-33 Full Text: Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China (IV)
· 2022-32 Full Text: Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China (III)
· Full Text: The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era
· 2022-31 Full Text: Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China (II)
· 2022-30 Full Text: Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China (I)
· 2022-29 Full Text: Address at the Meeting Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to The Motherland and the Inaugural Ceremony Of the Sixth-Term Government of the HKSAR
· 2022-28 Full Text: XIV BRICS Summit Beijing Declaration
· 2022-27 Full Text: Fostering High-Quality Partnership and Embarking on a New Journey Of BRICS Cooperation
· 2022-26 Full Text: BRICS Joint Statement on “Strengthen BRICS Solidarity and Cooperation, Respond to New Features and Challenges in International Situation”
· 2022-25 Full Text: Studying and Implementing Xi Jinping Thought On Diplomacy in a Deep-Going Way and Opening Up New Horizons in China’s External Work
· 2022-24 Full Text: Jointly Building an Asia-Pacific Community With a Shared Future
· 2022-23 Full Text: Rising to Challenges and Building a Bright Future Through Cooperation
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