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Xi pools mighty force for building great country, national rejuvenation
Chinese President Xi Jinping on March 13 called for forming a mighty force for building a great modern socialist country and advancing national rejuvenation as the curtains closed on the annual "two sessions," which started a new chapter of Chinese modernization with a competent leadership and detailed policies more...
- Xi stresses unswervingly advancing high-quality development
- China's private enterprises to enjoy better environment, broader space for development: premier
Xi’s Focus more
Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on building China into a great modern socialist country
- Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on national strategies and strategic capabilities
- Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on development of private sector
NPC Deputies more
Ethnic minority lawmakers and political advisers offer development suggestions
Teachers address uneven development of education
- Fujian deputy: Belt and Road Initiative facilitates international cooperation
- NPC deputy: Gansu gears up to embrace more Belt and Road opportunities
CPPCC Members more
TCM component plantation and processing require national standard
Some herbs can grow only in specific areas to achieve optimal functioning
- Industry leader calls for furthering China’s green and low-carbon development
- Environment gets new focus in top political advisory body
From the Magazine
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- New leadership poised to guide the country on a journey toward modernization
- The Chinese path to modernization requires high-quality development
- Economic growth: Quantity vs quanlity
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